Each Monzter is unique and made with 32×32 pixels and 16 colors.
They live on the blockchain that's why they have very few pixels.
Why buy art? A new form of ownership powered by the blockchain reaffirms many good reasons for doing it, plus one more: enriching the cultural commons.
research, article, blockchainPrint, Cut and Play!
Download the game and learn about alternative currencies.
What models exist and are evolving to finance the cultural commons? I talk about crowdfunding, patronage, rare digital art collecting and cultural funds, among others, in a panel at ISEA Durban called "Transdisciplinary Collaborative Practices in Art, Science and Technology".
research, presentation, commons, blockchainAn art installation at an abandoned cemetery.
A tribute to some dear websites that don’t exist anymore.
Inspiration for new types of money towards a better possible world. A website to collect articles and references from my research on the topic of art & alternative currencies.
research, website, economyAn antropological culinary experience: Brazilian flavors as perceived by Germans. Watch the brave volunteers who prepared and tried a feijoada (bean stew) pizza.
etc, videoI played Ranjit Bhatnagar’s Speak&Play! at Fabiano Marques’ sound performance at the ZK/U Berlin. Watch the video documentation.
art, performance, audioAlternative currencies created as works of art. Article for MCD Magazine's special Money Issue. Read online.
research, article, economyMy body’s reaction to winter in high latitudes is to jolt up at the first ray of light. Then I take winter sunrise pictures.
etc, photoFor the "Gift as Problem" exhibit in Berlin, an interactive piece that offers gift vouchers to be taken by the public. The vouchers may be redeemed by whoever is willing to accept them at either face value or for any other negotiated and agreed upon item. Each voucher has a code that can be used to document its life and circulation in the gift economy.
art, exhibition, economyFood has been and should remain part of the Commons. Download this PDF booklet with three recipes chosen as a tribute the Open Source Food movement. Prepared specially for the Berlin Unlimited Festival in collaboration with Entretempo Kitchen Gallery.
research, publication, commonsAstronaut cats, serendipity, blog addiction confessions and more in a 6-minute attempt at stand-up comedy at Pecha-Kucha Berlin. Slides & audio.
etc, presentation, audioDan Ariely from the Center for Advanced Hindsight invited a group of artists to create pieces based on his latest research about Irrational Economics and Inequality. Check out my artwork "Pull Lever".
art, exhibition, economyI gave a lecture and a workshop about Open Source Design at FH Salzburg.
The documentation includes photos, videos and PDF materials.
I’m the Berlin correspondent of Julio Costa’s Art & Technology radio show.
Check out the latest episodes and subscribe to the podcast (in Portuguese)
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© 2023