Lenara Verle
For the past five years I have been working in two main areas, collaborative Web art and the transposition of Web art to "real world" spaces. I have been doing theoretical research on this subject and participating in various projects, mainly those developed by the Sito Group, for which I feel a strong empathy.

I have participated in a few Sito Web art projects, and I also have created "real world" versions for two of them (Infinite Grid and Corpse Chamber) for art shows held in my home town of Porto Alegre in Brazil.

What interests me when I do these transpositions is to open up new lines of thinking to a better understanding of the differences between "bits" and "atoms." If it is true that the virtual world has thrilling new possibilities that are unique to this new medium, there are other exciting things as well in the "real" world that are heavily dependent on the very materiality of the artwork. In provoking such comparisons, I hope also to see more clearly what types of analogies are "borrowed" from our real-life experiences when we construct a virtual interface and how they evolve to accommodate new features available only in the digital realm.